"Empowered Women, Empowered Mothers"

For a long time, women have been subjected to gender roles and unfair treatment. And eversince they, at heart, fought for the equality between man and woman, they have been cited the most important people in our society, including our lives. Who am I talking about? Well, in this blog, I will be talking about the most empowered women of all (in my opinion), my Mother.

Women have made many contributions to our society such as education, the workforce, and many more. An example of this is my Mother, the most empowered and hard-working woman that I know of. She has been taking care of me and 3 other kids for the span of 16 years. She was there when we were sick. She was the one who kept urging us to study and have a better life. And she was there when the family had.....complications. She has been taking care of me and my other siblings and putting up with us for our whole lives and providing what we need for school, home, and many more when someone went MIA in the past. What makes her more empowering is the fact that she is an OB-Gyne doctor, and a Teacher, to make ends meet and give me and my siblings a comfortable life. She would work countless hours in the hospital as a frontliner and read books at home to teach her class and I would always see her with a tired expression. It hurts me in the heart to see her tirelessly working just for us and me not being able to do anything to help decrease the work load. But I can do one thing, and that is to be greatful and thankful for everything that she's done for us. This, is why we should appreciate women for everything that they've done in society. Women have contributed so much to us as Educators, Providers, and many more. They are hardworking people that has done so much for the country, and my life. I owe it all to them for making the world a better place, and my mother, for being the best woman to be in my life.

In conclusion, my mother is the most empowered woman in my life. She is an Educator who teached me and my siblings what we need to grow. She's a Hard-Worker that works countless ours for me and my siblings. She is a Provider who gave me and my siblings everything we needed to have a comfortable life. And she is the reason why I am the person that I am today. Without her, I wouldn't even know where I would be right now.



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