Mining: A Punch to Earth's Guts

Mining has done a great benefit for human society. Because of it, we are able to live comfortably and easy because of the materials it provides that allows us to create the things we have today. And what’s more is that it can provide jobs to those who need it to take care of a family, or yourself. But just because mining provides these things for us, doesn’t mean we should rest comfortably. Like they say, “when there’s an upside, there’s a downside to it as well”.


One of the downsides when it comes to mining is the impact it has on the environment. Because of how mining operations work, it can drastically affect the health and quality of what we as people need to live. An example of this is the air. Because of the exposed mineral deposits caused by mining, the toxic elements such as Lead(which is known to cause memory loss) and Arsenic(which is known to cause GI Effects) that are contained in the minerals can become airborne and affect the health of the people who live closely to the mine in the local community. Another downside is how it affects the biodiversity of earth. The destruction that mining can cause like open pits and piles of waste rocks can cause the deterioration of the local floral and fauna and a massive loss of habitats, following a chance of making a certain species of plants/animals extinct.


Mining can be a great asset to our economical and societal growth. With it’s ability to provide everyday items such as pots and pans which makes our lives much easier and the ability to provide jobs to those who are unemployed, following the flow of our economy. But with the environmental impacts that it can cause such as the massive loss of habitats and the deterioration of the floral and fauna and the health of the people who live close to the mines in the local community, it’s degrading, to say the least. It sucks that mining can be so good to our lives, but in doing so, we sacrifice a life for our own comfort. And it sucks that I can do anything about it. But even so, I’ll do my best to at least help in any way I can. With the use of this blog. I may not be able to do anything out of this world, but I’ll at least inform everyone about it with the tools that I have right now. ^^



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